Signing Off
Mamma’s Laef Vanuatu started in 2015.
In 2018, as a result of the Frontier Innovators Award, we developed two entities – Mamma’s Laef Charitable Trust (in New Zealand) and Mamma’s Laef Vanuatu (in Vanuatu).
The idea was for the Charitable Trust to be a formal way of providing supports, development and guidance. It was also a way of accepting financial and in kind donations, that may not necessarily be able to be made directly to Vanuatu. The Trust was always going to have a finite life. That life has now come to an end.
I’m pleased to say that almost all of the tasks we set back in 2018, have been completed. Some have not, and that is in the main, due to the border closures since 2020.
Thank you to those who have made donations to the Trust either in funds or “in kind”. You know who you are.
I would like to thank Tina the other Trustee, for her encouragement and sound guidance which has resulted in Mamma’s Laef Vanuatu being in a position where they are operating a fiscally responsible and wonderfully community focussed social enterprise.
Congratulations to Mary & Jack for being courageous and standing out in the crowd. It has been challenging but in a really good way, with many ups and downs along the way. The Mamma’s Laef team of staff have shown commitment and enthusiasm and are a testament to the fact that after seven years, Mamma’s Laef Vanuatu still exists. I wish the team all the very best.
It is my intention to continue to provide some administrative supports to Mamma’s Laef Vanuatu, until such time as the last piece of the puzzle can be placed, which is a face to face hand over.
Mi lukim yu Vanuatu.
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