New Products … Coconut Soap, balms, lip butters + more
We’ve updated our website to include some products that have only been available in Nelson. To satisfy those people who were asking; you can now buy our entire range directly from the Buy Now page. Take a look.
New products include:
- CocoBalm and Tamanu Balm; both developed by Infinite Natural Skincare exclusively for Lav Kokonas.
- Lip Balm and Lip Butter – made with our own special ingredients.
- Fairly traded soap from the remote island of Uluveu in Vanuatu. Soap with a story. A New Zealand family have assisted this island to develop a soap factory which has assisted with the eradication of scabies, louse and skin infections.
- Soap created by an entrepreneurial ni-Vanuatu businesswoman in Port Vila – cute little heart shaped Coconut Oil or Tamanu Oil soaps.
- Tanna Island Coffee – another New Zealand link. Beyond Fair Trade Organic Coffee which tastes devine.

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