Million Dollar Point

As you will have guessed if you’ve had a wander around our website, we do like to spend time in Vanuatu.
Since our first visit in 2010, we’ve noticed a number of positive changes in the areas that tourists / visitors / adventurers are going to.
Million Dollar Point is one such place. So named at the end of WWII when the USA military were departing their Santo base. Apparently they offered their excess equipment to both the French and British authorities who were governing the nation in a combined governing arrangement known as a condominium. Neither the French nor the Brits were prepared to pay the fee for the goods, so the US dumped the loot into the sea.

A beautiful spot on the coastline, the land owned by ni Vanuatu. An entrance fee of 500 vatu per person (about $7.50 NZD) is charged to enter. The LK family first snorkelled there 4 years ago. Driving along the unsealed road approaching Million Dollar Point the coconut palms are waving in the sea breeze. Turning into the entranceway, we can’t help but notice the considerable improvement in facilities since our last visit in 2013. The fees are being used to provide for a more pleasant visit. We have been delighted to notice this happening more and more throughout Vanuatu. Ni-Vanuatu are embracing the benefits of tourism and providing a great experience for tourists.
Million Dollar Point is a must snorkel for those interested in WWII .

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