Mathematics Text Books for Vanuatu
I could BURST!
Early this morning I received an email off the Lav Kokonas website – a company wanting to donate 800 Mathematics Text Books for Vanuatu. That’s great I thought.
This afternoon, I received a phone call from the Principal of Matevulu College – the recipients of about 100 Mathematics Text Books (for years 9 to 13). The books have finally arrived! Yahoo. This evening, after a full on day decanting Virgin Coconut Oil, I came home to an email from the Principal – here’s a little of what he said ….
“… Hi Belinda thank you very very much for the math text books…it really solves our problem of shortage of text books
the college administration really appreciate all that you’ve done to the college.. ” Henry.

This little project with quite a few hiccups has finished and taken about 15 months – so good things really do come to those who wait. Four Colleges on 3 islands have benefited from the original donation from Nelson College for Girls, in Nelson, New Zealand. So thanks Nelson Girls – you have made a difference and helped Lav Kokonas Pay it forward in Vanautu.
(You can read the full story about the text books journey here).
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