Help the cyclone Pam recovery with Ni Vanuatu designed & created earrings
Here’s a practical way of directly helping some ni Vanuatu women in their recovery from Cyclone Pam.
Lav Kokonas has been developing a number of micro enterprise initiatives to support rural communities in Vanuatu. However, some of those projects have had to take a slightly different path since the events on 13th March 2015, which has destroyed many homes in the villages of the ni Vanuatu people Lav Kokonas have been working with.
Together with a group of ni Vanuatu women who are currently working in New Zealand, we have developed some ideas in jewellery and what you see below are the beginnings of our project. The jewellery will be for sale in Vanuatu for the tourism industry. However, to give a good head start on their return home, Lav Kokonas are offering these earrings for sale now.
The beaded earrings are $8 per pair, the miracle bead earrings (the round luminous balls) are $10 per pair.
To purchase yours, please email [email protected] with a comment as to which pair you wish to purchase (ie – board “A” middle right hand side).
ALL FUNDS are given back to the ni Vanuatu women who created these; Lav Kokonas continues to “pay it forward in Vanuatu”.
Help us to help them.
Thank you.
#lavkokonas #payingitforwardinvanuatu #vanuatustillsmiles

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