Coffee with a twist – just add Lav Kokonas Virgin Coconut Oil & Vanilla Extract – wow
This “recipe” was shared with me recently by a friend who was cutting out dairy from her diet, but still, at that stage anyway, was wanting to enjoy her daily cup of organic coffee.

So I gave this a try, since I have the best of ingredients available to me. Let me know what you think. 1 cup of freshly brewed organic coffee1 tablespoon of Lav Kokonas Virgin Coconut Oil1 teaspoon of butter (yes you are READING right)1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon of Venui Vanilla Extract (you won’t find finer) Put all the ingredients in a blender or food processor. One of those little magic bullet types, works very well. Mix on high speed for 20 seconds or so, until the contents are frothy. Tip into a mug and drink straight away. The flavours marry so well together. If you are living in New Zealand and you want to source the very best coffee available, single origin from Vanuatu – we cannot recommend any better brand than Yasur Mountain Organic Coffee. We buy our supply on line, directly from the family who are working at grass roots level on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu. Their story is fantastic and have been working in Vanuatu for many years to ensure the coffee farmers are well rewarded and respected for their efforts.
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