28 May = Menstrual Health Day
You may be wondering WHY is the 28th of May chosen to celebrate and talk about menstruation.
Well … the average menstrual cycle is 28 days and the average length of a period is 5 days.
28th May (the 5th month of the year).
So that’s why this week we concentrated some of our efforts on a …..
Social Media Campaign
You may also, be wondering WHY we were posting- posting – posting all day long on 28th May 2020.

Despite the fact that 300 million women and girls menstruate EVERY day of the year, there is still a great deal of taboo all over the world, including in Vanuatu and across the Pacific.
In 2018 we attended a Pacific Menstrual Health Workshop. Hosted by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Australia. The Workshop brought together, Pacific based menstrual enterprises, International NGO’s like CARE in Vanuatu, World Vision Vanuatu and other groups who have a interest in promoting better menstrual health.
This year 2020, some of those Worskshop participants, including Mammas Laef joined together to raise our Pacific voices.
To show solidarity in our efforts to break the silence in speaking about sikmun / menstruation / periods.
We used our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages and our website to reach as far and wide as possible, to share the words …..

#pacificperiods #periodsdontstopinemergencies #mhday2020
What have we done to break taboo (so far)?
Sewn more than 35,000 pads
Distributed pads to more than 5700 women & girls in Vanuatu
Provided menstrual health education at more than 30 schools in Vanuatu
Provided menstrual health education to more than 3,000 women and 500 men
Thank You to –
WaterAid Australia and AustralianAid for coordinating the 2020 campaign to break the silence and taboo of menstruation in the Pacific.
#itstimeforaction #WaterAid #AustralianAid
And to our Sistas across the Pacific

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